CodeMettle & MOSA-Conformity: A low-risk, cost-effective approach to enable interoperability and rapid technology insertion

- December 6, 2024
- Blog
Stay tuned for our Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) white paper, which will be released in a few weeks. It will explore how CodeMettle leverages MOSA in our business and technical strategies to bring you the most advanced NetOps products.
Conformance to MOSA means embracing business and technical strategies to create systems grounded in modularity and standard, open interfaces to:
- Drive cost-effectiveness
- Reduce programmatic risk
- Promote interoperability
- Remove barriers to rapid technology insertion
While not new, it became U.S. law in 2018 that all major defense acquisition programs adopt MOSA to the maximum extent possible. At this time, CodeMettle had been involved in multiple U.S. Army initiatives, which had implemented MOSA as a requirement. As the Department of Defense (DoD) rolled out the MOSA requirement across all programs in early 2019, we realized embracing MOSA was key to:
- Working directly with customers within their construct
- Providing scalable, innovative solutions to all our customers
- Our long-term viability and competitiveness in the defense market
CodeMettle concluded that conforming to MOSA necessitated two fundamental changes in the way we do business and develop software:
1. Shift from custom solutions to a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) product portfolio. Industry expertise dictates that COTS products with defined purposes grounded in open standards enable the benefits of MOSA for both industry and customers, whereas customized solutions are antithetical to them.
2. Commit ourselves to true Agile and institute DevOps. This led to a period of organization-wide restructuring, during which we let go of the programmatic and technical processes of the past and embraced new methods that enable MOSA and productization.
We have spent the last five years developing the most advanced NetOps product portfolio that is MOSA-conforming, capable of meeting defense customer requirements, and adaptable from the edge to the enterprise. The forthcoming white paper will explore how our alignment to product development and DevOps and Agile restructuring enable our product portfolio to conform to MOSA.